Iggy Pop Lust for Life.
This album always held a special place in my heart. Growing up my dad had a ‘63 Ford Falcon that he would drive around town with me in the back seat. A copy of this cd was stuck in the radio for years. I’ve always associated this album with driving and as I’ve grown it becomes more and more nostalgic.
Although my relationship with this album is very unique I don’t think I am alone in feeling a sense of Americana when hearing Iggy Pop sing about growing out of an adrenaline fueled youth and trying to come to terms with the world he finds himself in. It’s not Americana in a traditional sense but it’s something most of us can relate to in some way.
I wanted to take an image that evokes that feeling of classic, red-blooded Americana but twist it and shatter it in a way that connects with “the rest of us.” Those that don’t identify or fit in with everyone around them. Those that look out at the world as it passes by their car window.