Sam Rami’s Spiderman

I wanted to re-design movie posters for Sam Rami’s Spiderman trilogy. I wanted to take the posters back to the art of golden age of comics. I also wanted to play with the idea of panels and a visual story being broken up and continued on the next page.


The idea is that each poster is part of a bigger whole. When they are all laid out side by side they create a larger image.


Each poster features the villains of that film. I also wanted each of them to convey a sense of unique action and be instantly recognizable back to Spiderman.


I had to make some compromises with the third film because I couldn’t get Spiderman in thee poster and still have them create one image, so I chose to focus on the villains in this film, as there are more of them and they play a bigger role than in the previous two movies.


The final product when all three posters are displayed together, create one high action fight scene that looks like it was ripped straight from the comic books.


FRCC Art Show


Posters and Misc.